Vbizz Concepts
Entrepreneur, Manager & advisor. Flexible and committed, with excellent communication interpersonal and problem solving skills, making a live impact in businesses..
Being an enthusiastic, driven professional who can think well strategically and systematically, but am also strong in problem solving and monitoring of projects and plans.
Being constantly on the move and continuing to look for the right choices and the use of resources, matching the DNA of a company. It has been shown that I can easily empathize with new branches and know how to hit the right tone-of-voice.
Due to the wide-ranging knowledge and experience in various industries, my added value for my clients will only increase. Meeting and interacting with different parties is easy for me and I know how to take the right position.
Also being a motivational speaker and life coach. Traveling the world from Europe Asia, Africa to North and South America. My passion is to encourage, uplift and share insight into the miracle life of Jesus Christ around the nations. And making a live impact in peoples lives.
Have a look at my adventures at www.aliveimpact.org